What causes white emulsification of motor oil?
Oil emulsification refers to the oil mixed with the incompatible liquid and caused. Common is cooling water, because the flow through the engine in addition to the oil only cooling water, and the pressure of the cooling system is relatively high, that gasket damage will easily enter the oil. Common is the cylinder gasket damage, because the cylinder block has oil and waterways, close to each other, once the cylinder gasket damage, the waterway will not be able to seal, it will flow out of the waterway and to the oilway, which is the most common reason. Of course, when this type of situation, the vehicle generally have omens, such as engine high temperature alarm, engine shaking serious, the car accelerated weak and so on.

So when the vehicle appears the above situation will need to be timely on the vehicle overhaul. Of course, there are some individual normal phenomena such as: when the winter temperature is low, the engine temperature and the outside world has a large temperature difference, the cylinder is prone to produce water vapor, and the oil mixing and thus the formation of emulsification phenomenon. For example, the engine layout is messy, making it impossible to install the engine trim cover, leaving the oil/air separator and crankcase ventilation piping exposed. The oil and gas separator is placed on the top, in terms of thermal insulation performance, in the low temperature environment is unable to discharge the exhaust gas contains water vapor, then the water vapor will also be condensed into water at the top of the valve cover and the oil mixing.

Oil mixing, thus leading to the occurrence of emulsification reaction, of course, this belongs to the design of individual cars. To summarize, the cause of oil emulsification is excessive water in the oil, which results in a milky white foam. Emulsification of things can be big or small, remind all car owners to pay more attention to observe their own car whether the phenomenon of oil emulsification, if so, to find out the reason, in the end, because the oil has not been replaced for a long time, to find the problem, solve the problem.